Back in 2010, several St. Petersburg guides, graduates of St. Petersburg University, joined together, created their own website and started working together. We saw no obstacles and were ready to move mountains. And most importantly, we loved our city and our profession very much.
Time passed. A new generation of guides has arrived. Then-another one. But the selection criteria have remained the same – young, energetic, talented people who are in love with their city and their profession come to us.

We are sure that the profession of a guide is not just one of the most interesting professions in the world, but also one of the most important. Guides are the face of the city. They meet guests, they tell about the city, they bring knowledge. It depends on the guide how interesting, meaningful, and informative your trip will be.
We have our own criterion for a good excursion. If after the tour our guests say: "How interesting! I had no idea! I will definitely read more about it, what exactly can I read? " - so the tour was a success.